Friday 7 September 2012

Another successful vet visit!

I just got home with Yin and Danger from their last vaccine appointment before their spay surgeries (which will be in a month or two).

This time...they knew what being in the carrier meant, and put up QUITE the  fuss.  So much scratching at the door and banging around that I ended up calling a cab instead of taking the TTC!

Once we were in the cab, they started to settle down, though they were panting a bit:(  At the vet, they were little perfectly behaved angels, however.  Staying still for their exams and being brave about their needles.  Some really good news...Yin's knees are perfect now!  The vet felt them and they are both strong and stay in place, not luxating back and forth anymore.  Yay!!!  So now they are all up to date on vaccines, having received their last booster for FVRCP and their Rabies shot today.  This rabies vaccine lasts one year, then the next one they'll get (in a year) will last 3 years:)

Also, Danger's starting to get her adult canine teeth, and Yin has her adult incisors!  They're growing up so fast, lol...

Here's some recent pictures:

Beautiful Yin

Danger playing with a new toy last night:)

Stitches and Yin snuggling:)

Sister cuddles after a tough day of playing..

My morning greeting committee! 

Danger and Stitches are my morning purring kitties, and I got this little video of Danger still trying to keep purring while falling asleep beside me (I didn't wanna get up yet:p).  Make sure you have the volume turned up for this one:

So yes, that's all to report for now!  Fluffy is still warming up to us, and even coming to greet us at the door now:)  She still runs and hides from strangers (anyone except Dan or myself is considered such), but the progress she'd made is remarkable and I'm happy she's feeling so comfortable and at home now!

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