Monday 23 July 2012

Cuteness and Love

Well, as of a few days ago, Fluffy, Yin and Miss T Danger Paws (Danger for short!) are officially part of our family:)

Fluffy hanging out while the kittens are playing on the stairs with Stitches

All of them are getting along so well, and Fluffy is all healed from her surgery.  She's out and exploring the house more frequently, following Stitches and the kittens downstairs or around the main floor during playtime.  She's definitely not "adoptable" by TCR standards (she hides from people and still occasionally hisses when startled), but I just couldn't agree with the thought of putting her back outdoors to fend for herself after her spay  Even if people out there are feeding her, she would still have to deal with the elements and other dangers.  So although she's still really shy with people, she's opened up quite a bit considering she's only been close to humans for about 3 months.  With continued support and lots of love from us, I can see her becoming more confident and outgoing in the future:)  Maybe someday I'll even be able to cuddle her.

It's funny because at "nap time" (which is pretty much all afternoon) they all go back into the kitten room to sleep.  Including Stitches.  He's taken up their routine as well, and he's also recently decided that it was a good idea to use their litter.  So we just bought two more big covered litter boxes!  Now there's two boxes upstairs, one downstairs, and a spare box we may have to put somewhere once the kittens get bigger.  Yup I spend a lot of time scoopin' up litter...not much different from the years I spent working as a veterinary assistant and technician:p  But I also spend a lot of time cuddling kitties so I can't complain!

"Hey, you're in our spot!"

I'd opened the window a bit wider as it was cooler outside, so of course Stitches had to get right up in there...I didn't mean for the flash to go off, that's why there are glowing eyes...oops!

Hanging out on the bed, of course right after I just changed the sheets:p

Little Danger Paws LOVES Stitches, following him around and copying everything he does!  It's super adorable and I love them all. 

Stitches' tail was the play toy this time!

Here's a few more pictures...these ones were taken with my REAL camera, instead of the cellphone.  Enjoy!!

  She's got the cutest little quirky smile!

Basking in the sun:)

These whiskers are going to take over the world someday...

I took this one while they were lying on the futon starting to fall asleep.  The perfect time for ultimate cuteness!

P.S I *am* available for pet portraiture jobs! 
(shameless business plug)

I'll update again soon:)  Hoping to get some more videos of Fluffy roaming about, so I'll work on that before my next post. 

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