Saturday 5 May 2012

Kittens vs.

The other day I posted on Facebook that I'd decided baby kittens are the best thing on Earth.  One of my friends commented that freshly baked cookies (specifically chocolate chip) can compete for that title.  I just happened to have baking ingredients and a lot of time on my hands, so I made some know, to test the theory...for science and all...

Although my baking skills have vastly improved over the last few months (I blame working from home) and the cookies were delicious, I have to stand by my original statement.  Kittens are definitely the best thing on this planet, especially when you're in a bad mood!

For fun, I created this using one of the adorable kitten pictures and a photo I took of my cookie creation:

Also, upon the suggestion of another friend, I'm officially calling the kittens Yin and Yang.  I have no idea what sex they are yet, though I'm convinced the black and white one is a boy (Yang).  I could be wrong.  Either way they are the cutest!

Fluffy is still quite skittish, and won't let anyone except for me near her babies.  Even I still have to convince her occasionally that I mean no harm.  She's just being a protective mom, which is amazing.  Once the kittens are more mobile, and eyes/ears are open, then they can have visitors.  Fluffy won't be able to stop them from running around at that point!  They are already surprisingly adept in their movements, considering they are only 6 days old.  At one point when I went in to hang out yesterday it looked like Fluffy was sitting on Yang, but as I observed, he quickly crawled right over her head and made a beeline for milk!  He (yes, I'm going to keep calling Yang "he" until I find out otherwise) is the kitten with extra toes.  It actually looks like he has thumbs...he has about 2 extra toes on each front paw:)  Have you seen that "Cats with Thumbs" on Youtube?  I think it was a commercial, but either way it was great and you should watch it!

Yesterday, Fluffy allowed me to pick up and cuddle Yin and Yang, one at a time so that she didn't think I was taking her babies away.  I was in desperate need of kitten love, as I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and was having a super grumpy day:p  Little Yin has a baby bear face, black with grey undertones, and is more vocal than Yang when away from mom.  I still think they're big for their age, but they were huge newborns so comparatively they are on the right track.  Plus because there are only 2 of them, they are receiving a consistent amount of mother's milk and they don't have to compete.  Larger litters will have the stereotypical "runt", the weakest of the bunch who doesn't always win the battle for the nipples.  There is NO runt in my house!  They are growing equally, which makes me super happy.

I even heard them testing out their purr machines yesterday and the day before.  SO adorable, I can't explain how crazy cute that sound need to hear it yourself.  I can try and get a recording as my phone takes a pretty decent video, like the one of my dog that I posted a while ago.

In the meantime, here's a photo of the happy family:

Of course, she's not using ANY of the beds I set up, preferring the corner between the futon and the bookcase.  I put extra blankets and towels in that area and under the futon, so that the babies aren't on the hardwood floors.  Fluffy is still eating well and having regular visits to the litter box, so I'm certain she is healing well from her birthing ordeal.  The babies still have their umbilical cord bits (totally the technical term:p) but they should fall off in the next week or so.

Now that I've finally finished editing the last batch of photos I was working on, I can start taking proper photos of them without feeling guilty that I'm neglecting my actual work:)   I also have an art show coming up in a month, so stay tuned for details about that event (shameless self-promotion time!).

Hoping everyone has an amazing weekend:)


  1. Oh my, Jeanette, they are adorable!!!!

  2. Awesome pics, Jeanette! The kittens are beautiful and I am so happy to hear that Fluffy is recovering nicely!
