Wednesday 23 May 2012

Paw in your face!

Wobbly first steps, sitting up wide-eyed, and playing with each other...ohh the life of a 3 week old kitten!

Being without the kitten faces for 3 days, it seems like they grew so much!  I'm glad that Fluffy was tolerant of different people while we were away, even letting her babies be touched and pet a couple times.  Now when I'm hanging out with them, Fluffy wanders around and even plays with her toys when she's not nursing or cuddling her babies.  I can pet them when she is out and about, and I picked up Yin (black one) for a little cuddle yesterday:)

Yang (B&W kitten) is a couple steps ahead of Yin with walking and balance.  He's taken a few first steps, putting more weight on his back feet.  I'm a bit concerned that Yin isn't walking the same yet, but hoping that she's just a bit slow.  She can sit up on her front legs, and can move her back legs and tail properly.  She's starting to put her back legs underneath her to hold more of her weight, she just hasn't gotten the hang of moving them correctly.  I asked a TCR coordinator about them, as even though I've studied about and observed kitten development, it helps to have another experienced person's input.  She agrees with the theory that some develop slower than others, and to watch how they move in the next week or so before worrying too much.  It's been a few years since I've been with kittens throughout the whole process, from birth to weaning, so I'm relearning as I go along.

I FINALLY recorded a little video yesterday of them playing!  Over the next week I'll try some more, but this is a good start:

Aren't Yang's giant front paws the cutest thing ever??  It looks like he's wearing oven mitts!

They are starting to venture out of the corner a little bit, and as their movement ability increases, it will be easier to scoop them up for loves and take better quality photos and video:)  Ultimate cuteness phase has begun!

After playtime is over, it's sleepy cuddle time:

As soon as I have some more video and photos, I'll post them!  So stay tuned...and thanks again for reading and sharing my blog:)

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