Monday 28 May 2012

The Adventurous and The Meek

Happy One Month old anniversary!!

I can't believe they're already 4wks old, and at the same time, I can't imagine them NOT being here. 

They are moving around a lot now, exploring the whole space under the futon, including the "bed" I put near the front.  It's great when they are in there, because I can just pull the whole bed out from under the futon to play with them and cuddle:)  Usually Fluffy is okay with me doing that, though she's still hormonal so occasionally she will hiss and be in "protective mom" mode.  However, in the last few days, I've been able to pick them up and snuggle for a few minutes, which is helping them get used to being handled (and I get my kitten fix).  This morning when I came in, I was able to get this picture of them:

Yang is definitely more outgoing and a bit more advanced in development.  He's walking pretty well now.  Yin is having a harder time getting her back legs under her and balancing.  I was discussing her development with a TCR coordinator over the weekend during the bowl-a-thon.  She pointed out that Yin could have been a later pregnancy than Yang...even though they were born at the same time.  Cats can have one litter that has multiple fathers, and the mating span can last about a week or more, so it's not uncommon for kittens born of the same litter to vary in development.  I've known that, but because the last 2 litters I've witnessed from birth to weaning were of the same father, I hadn't experienced that scenario before.  I'm really hoping that's what is going on here, and that Yin doesn't have actual issues with her hind legs.  She can move them well, holds her own when playing with Yang, and she's alert and active.  I noticed today that Yang's teeth have come in a bit more than hers as well.  Their baby teeth are so little and cute (she says before they start biting her fingers)!

About a half hour ago, I managed to get another video of them playing.  Sorry for the lighting issues, but I didn't want to shine the bright flash in their faces so I had it on the "low light" setting.  You can still see them having fun:)

You can see in the video than Yin is moving her back legs around quite well.  She just hasn't gotten the hang of standing yet! 

Here's another one of Yang and Fluffy, after a little playing where he likes to "attack" mom's head while she's trying to clean him:

The bowl-a-thon for kitties went really well on Saturday!  Toronto Cat Rescue volunteers and friends collected a lot in donations, all of which goes directly to the cats and kittens:)  It was great to meet some of the other volunteers as well, finally putting some faces to their names. 

And now for a little bit of shameless self-promotion:  If you or anyone you know lives near/in Mississauga, and/or also loves art shows, you should head here on June 3rd.  I have a booth so will be selling prints (some framed, canvas, prints and greet cards) of my art/travel photography, plus there will be many other types of artisans, live music, and strawberries!

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