Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Best Things When Waking Up...

Are baby kittens!  I suppose coffee is a close second...

I'm happy to report that both Fluffy and babies are doing very well:)  Fluffy is eating regularly and using the litter.  The vet was a bit worried that she wouldn't eat because of the inflammation, but she's strong, and healing well.  I'm very grateful that she is such a stellar mom!

My routine now is that I'll go in and spend some time with them during the day, either on my laptop photo editing, reading or watching something.  Also if I'm up later at night, I'll watch something with them until I get sleepy.  Mostly I am an observer, though I make sure to talk to Fluffy often to reassure her.  She'll let me handle the babies without too much fuss...I don't keep them for very long, just to make sure they are doing alright.  The main thing I wanted to check yesterday was their ability to eliminate properly.  Ideally, mom is supposed to lick their hind ends to stimulate them to go, and I hadn't actually observed her doing so.  Upon inspection (which included getting urine all over my hands...not the first time that's happened to me when dealing with cats!) I was satisfied with their progress and development.

They're a whole 3 days old today:)  Here's the yin-yang kitties.  I managed this shot about a half-hour ago while Fluffy was off eating. 

Litter-mates, they love each other already:)  I'm looking forward to their ears and eyes opening, which will be over the next couple weeks.  Tomorrow I'll break out the real camera, so expect some more pictures soon!


  1. mmm... so adorable!!! Read the Kittening story several times... It's unfortunate there were some complications and a loss involved... And sorry about the cab problem in the middle of it all... but you did it! Congratulations Jeanette! You are amazing! Please keep us posted and yes, more pictures definitely! Can not have enough of them...

    1. Hi Larisa;

      I wanted to thank you for your generosity! Fluffy and the kittens are doing well and your donation will go towards their food and treats.

      Thanks again and hopefully next time Cathy and her family visits, you can be there as well:)

      Have a great weekend!
