Tuesday 7 August 2012

Growth Spurts!

So here's the cutest thing ever:

Danger discovers the terry-cloth bath robe, purring and kneading her giant paws:)

Also, they've grown so much over the last week or so!  They are 14 wks old already...so hard to believe.  I took a picture of Danger stretched out beside my foot as a comparison, as it wasn't too long ago she was the same size as my foot!

Yin using the toy as a pillow:)  She's a bit smaller than Danger but still growing like a weed!

They have their second vet appointment this Friday, for the vaccine booster of FVRCP.  I'm actually taking them to a different vet this time. Since I've adopted them and therefore paying without TCR discounts, I'm taking them to my vet, whom I worked with a few years ago.  I trust them more since I'm familiar with the clinic, how it's run, and their philosophies/protocols.  It's not that the TCR vet was bad...obviously they know what they are doing as Fluffy's surgery went well and she's fine...but it's just my own comfort level with the veterinarian and their methods.  Having worked for so long in the field, I'm very picky and somewhat jaded:p

Anyways, that's on Friday, so I'll be sure to update again afterwards to let you all know how it went.

This past weekend, while walking about putting up posters for my upcoming event ( details here:  http://www.johnstonephotography.ca/ ), we stopped in the Dollarama and picked up a few more kitty toys, including this little pop-up tent!  Wow do the kittens ever LOVE it.  They pounce on it to collapse it, then when they jump off and it pops back up, they play inside and around it.  One will be inside and the other will pounce on top...it's hilarious to watch them:)  I don't think it will last very long, I mean it was only $2, so I'll have to go get a back-up supply soon.  Here's a few pictures of them with the tent:

Miss Danger's inside the tent:p

Best $2 ever spent!  I also picked up one of those collapsible kitty tunnels with a toy at the end, also $2.  They've yet to really play in it, but I'm sure they will soon:)  I'll end with this pic of the gang (Yin's tail/body in the corner) waiting for dinner!  Fluffy is amazing and right up involved with everyone during "feeding times".  Also, I touched her back a couple of times without her hissing or running away.  She's acting like she wants to be pet, but in her mind she hasn't quite determined if it's okay or not.  Slow baby steps.  We're getting there...I can't wait to post a picture of her and me together.  Someday!

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