Thursday 19 April 2012

The Arrival

Having waited all day, I finally got the call close to 5pm.  This was after I had already called the homeowner (sweet lady who has been feeding her) to see how things were going, and she was just about to set out the trap again.  She said she would call me back if successful.  A few minutes later, she did!  So I rushed around, feeding my own pets (5pm is "dinner time"...if I didn't they would be seriously offended) and hopped onto the TTC.

When I got to the vet clinic, the homeowner had already left so I didn't get to meet her, and the kitty was still in the trap in an exam room. Once the vet and I were in the room, we let her out.  She was super scared and trying to escape, but after a few minutes of running about and trying to jump up and away, we caught her and wrapped her up gently.  She had torn one of her nails out, but she was super brave when we cauterized it and she let me hold her and pet her.  The vet checked her out, and she even let us clip some matts off:)  He estimated she is due in the next week or so.  I felt bad having to put her back into a carrier, but surprisingly she walked right into the one I brought!  I think she decided it was better than staying on the exam table. 

Also, I should mention that her name is Fluffy, named by the homeowner and her family who are awesome people and have been caring for her for a few months now.  They were unable to take her in due to allergies, so I'm glad I could step in and help little Fluffy:)   She is black and long-haired, and looks SO MUCH like a kitty I used to have!  Meant to be.  I'll post a picture soon, when she's out and about a bit more.

When I got her home, I placed the carrier near the middle of the room so she could see what is around her, that there was food and litter and comfy bed.  It took her about a half-hour to come out of the carrier and find a safe hiding spot.  Later, I discovered a flaw in my plan, as she had managed to get herself under the plastic that was covering the futon!  I got her out of there and put her in one of the beds while I removed all the plastic.  She was okay with me picking her up, so that's a good sign.  Lesson learned about the plastic though.  I'll probably just put some puppy pads under the blanket. 

I woke up, not surprisingly, at about 5am, so I went to check on her.  She had definitely been exploring her new space, as I found a couple things knocked over and litter paw prints all around.  She used the litter box, which I was very happy about!

So far she hasn't eaten very much though, due to nerves I'm sure.  I got her to eat some treats and dried chicken bits.  I hope that by tonight she ventures out a bit more and gets her appetite back:)  I don't think she's been in a safe place for a long time, perhaps never...

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