Tuesday 17 April 2012

The Preparation

The decision to foster an animal in need was easy for me, took a small amount of convincing for my live-in boyfriend, and involved some preparation to put into action. I've wanted to do this for awhile, especially since I started volunteering again with a rescue group, but until recently we didn't have the space.  Now we're in a two bedroom house, so I suggested and hinted (a few times!) that the extra room could someday hold another little furry being.  I felt, I'm sure, the same way as most women do who want new little lives around....though the only ones I'm interested in are four-legged and fuzzy!

The next issue was to consider the needs of our current pets, a dog and a cat who already have to live on separate floors because they don't get along.  Also, we truly aren't sure how our cat will react to having another kitty in the house.  The spare room is on the main floor, same as our bedroom, and also the floor belonging to the dog, Spice.  She's pretty old and has one eye, but she has a history of not liking other animals as well.  She's also mostly deaf which will help as she's not likely to notice if the foster is a bit vocal.  Stitches the cat, on the other hand, will be able to hear this and we're hoping he reacts well.

Especially since it looks like I'll be fostering a pregnant stray kitty and seeing them through to the weaning and adoption process :D  I kinda put it out there to Toronto Cat Rescue (the group with whom I also volunteer) that I'm open to a having a foster, and that I have experience with pregnancies and kittens.  Also, I really just want to be surrounded by kittens.  Is that wrong?  I didn't think so either...

In fact, truth is we're hoping Stitches the cat would like a little kitten too!  But we won't push it if he doesn't react well...I'll make sure they (mom included) all get fabulous homes either way:)

Now for the room preparation.  It just so happened that the owners of the house we are renting left an old baby gate here, and it's perfect so that I can open the door without worrying that momma or babies will be directly on the other side. Once babies are walking around, I'll have to reinforce the gate since they'll be able to squeeze through the bars.

I blocked from the end of the futon to the bookcase on the other wall, so there is enough space to open the door completely if need be.  The cardboard is taped up to the edge of the futon to prevent jumping over the gate on that end, and the edge of the gate is securely taped to the futon frame.

Like so:

 In the room, I've made a birthing/nursing bed close to the heater, arranged extra blanketing and also provided a secondary bed on the other side of the room.  You never know where they will end up having kittens!  Both beds are lined with puppy pee pads, a couple of layers.  Considering that, I also lined the futon mattress with plastic sheeting before putting the blanket over top.  Better safe than messy futon!

Here's a couple more pictures of the bed and the futon:

 I've prepared by ensuring I have kitten formula (KBR brand) and a bottle kit on hand, just in case momma has problems.  I've also looked over my veterinary medicine books to refresh myself on the kitty birthing process, since it's been a couple of years!

Anyways, now I'm impatiently awaiting her arrival.  She needs to be trapped and taken to the vet in the next couple of days, and then I can go pick her up:)
Can you tell I'm excited??  If, for some reason, they are unable to trap her, my new room won't be empty for long...it IS kitten season, after all!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hooray for kittens! :) best of luck with this adventure, and looking forward to more stories. if you need more pee-pads, let us know - we've got a bunch left over from Ripley's house-training that we aren't using and you'd be welcome to have.

    1. Awesome thanks!!! Will probably take you up on that...babies are messy, lol :)

  3. Good for you, Jeanette! I look forward to reading about your adventure!- Mimi

  4. I can't wait for the baby kitties to arrive!

  5. Dear Jeanette,

    On behalf of the neighbors of the community where Fluffy is coming from, I cannot thank you enough for everything you do for the little kitty. Thank you very much for posting updates regularly on her progress! We are happy Fluffy has a loving home now and can get her kittens born in a safe and caring environment. I am sure Fluffy will go through the transitional period and overcome stress eventually – she is such a brave little soul! Hope she will make friends with Stitches and Spice. They are adorable!

    I will post old Fluffy’s pre-pregnancy pictures shortly.

    Keeping fingers crossed for Fluffy’s health and wellbeing,


  6. I am happy to be helping her! You and your neighbors paved the way, so thank you for supporting Fluffy for so long while she was outdoors...if it wasn't for all of you caring for her, she wouldn't be safe and secure now!

    I'll keep posting updates as things progress:) And once the babies are here, get ready for tons of pictures!!
