Sunday 29 April 2012

The Waiting game

I know it's been a few days since I've written an update, but we're still playing the game.  No kittens yet! 

She is definitely more comfortable with her environment.  Most of the time she is out and about when I come into the room.  She quickly returns to the sanctuary of "under the futon", but she also ventures out and sits in various places while I'm hanging out with her.  She'll even come up and sniff my hand every now and then:)

Her nocturnal vocal habits haven't ceased, however.  I have been sleeping rather sporadically this past week, and feel lucky that I can take afternoon naps when I need to!  When I do take a nap, I sleep in here with her to help strengthen our growing bond:)  Ohh, she's almost all switched over to the new dry food, and Stitches also likes it, so we have a winner!  I've noticed she is more of a kibble lover, as she doesn't always eat all of the wet food I give her, so I'm happy that she likes the new brand.

Since she's been here, I haven't had much of a social life, choosing instead to commit myself to being here for her.  On Friday we had some plans so I arranged for a good friend to stop by and check on her so I wouldn't worry.  Nothing happened while we were out, but I felt better about things knowing he was here.  Then last night we went out for a few hours, but didn't have anyone stop by.  She was always in the back of my mind, and I hoped that she didn't have them while I was gone.  She didn't, and everything was fine.  I'm just kinda paranoid, I suppose...and impatient!  Where's the kittens, already???

She still REALLY wants to go outside, but I keep telling her it's so much better for her in here.  I know she is used to having the whole world to roam around in, so being confined to one room must be difficult.  As I type this, she's been out walking around the room, talking, and occasionally up at the window and pawing the windowpane.  I feel bad that she's stressed about it, though her increasing restlessness may be a sign of pre-labour. 

On another note, yesterday I went up to the barn with a friend of mine who is an awesome horseback rider, to practice my photography and meet the new horses.  I used to ride with her a couple years ago, and miss it SO much!  Anyways, I also met a couple of the barn cats, and one of them was almost as pregnant as Fluffy,  Anybody want to foster her?  You can see how much fun I'm having!  This barn cat is very friendly, though will most likely have the same issues about wanting outside all the time. 

Also, considering it my first attempt at photographing horse jumping, I got some pretty decent shots, so I'm happy about that:)

You can see some of them here:

I'll be posting more as I finish editing:)

Well that's all for now.  Lets all hope The Kittening will take place soon!

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