Sunday 22 April 2012

The Time Divide

I believe that Spice the dog and Stitches the cat are looking at me sideways, thinking "Why isn't she spending more time with me?".  You see, usually I spend the day with Spice and the evening with Stitches, or the opposite, since I'm home a lot these days.  Since Fluffy's arrival, it's been 1/2 day with Spice, 2/4 day with Fluffy, and 1/4 day with Stitches.  I've been torn between how much time to spend with Fluffy.  On one hand, I don't want to overwhelm her.  But, as I've said before, I also want her to trust me.  Or at the very least, get used to my presence.

So, to be fair, I thought I'd post a couple pictures of my other furry ones so they get some publicity too!

Here's Stitches, in his favourite positions of "love me" :

This is a little video I took yesterday of Spice running around the backyard.  It's amazing since she's almost 14yrs old, only has one eye, and had an episode of idiopathic vestibular disease (stroke-like symptoms) about a month ago.  She couldn't even walk for over a week!  She lost some weight during that time, but she's back to her old self, chasing squirrels and rolling around in the grass:)

Last night, I did end up spending most of the evening with Fluffy, watching episodes of Breaking Bad on my laptop.  My efforts are starting to pay off, as towards the end of the evening, she emerged out into the corner and started talking to me:)  I didn't try and pet her, but we had a few good moments of eye contact and conversation!  I noticed she was less vocal overnight...I think she only woke me up once.  She's eating like a trooper now, and being quite regular in the "litter box" department, which is great.

So my challenge continues to keep a fair schedule of attention and love to all the furry critters in our house.  Dan, my partner, is doing his best as well to make sure no one is neglected:)  Together, I think we'll manage.  Once the kittens arrive, though, I'm sure it will be hard to tear ourselves away from their cuteness! 


  1. Hi Jeanette,
    Here are some pictures of Fluffy as promised:

  2. Thanks Larisa!! You can really see how pretty her eyes are in these photos :)
